Time Waits For No One

So don't wait to get started

Hello! And welcome to my first blog post!

I'm starting this blog so that I can chronicle my programming journey, amongst other interests.

My current focus is learning a bit of game development to work on a small personal project, but I'm also interested in learning about web development in the future. So my journey will likely consist of either or both of those.

Oh, and I should mention beforehand that I'm not a complete beginner in the programming world -- I graduated college with a Computer Science degree. But my current competence and confidence in my skills are at an all-time low, so I do still consider myself somewhat of a beginner, as I feel that I don't know very much about anything.

Now then, with that out of the way, a bit of an introduction…

About Me

I guess that the best way to describe myself is that I am a potato in a world full of awesome developers.

Case in point: I am 25 years old, and I haven't accomplished much, if anything, in my life up to this point.

But I plan to change that from now on.

You see, I'm not someone who has been coding or been interested in doing so since I was young. I went into college taking classes without even knowing what I wanted to take on as a major. I've always been interested in video games, ever since I was around 5 years old. So at times throughout my life, I would think about getting into Game Design, even though I never really had any sort of experience/practice on the subject. Later on, I would start thinking about becoming an animator, even though I don't know how to draw (lulz).

But finally, about a year after I started college, I stumbled upon Computer Science because my older brother was majoring on that too, so I figured I'd give it a try. I took a couple of classes, realized what it was all about, and I enjoyed it. But I can't say that I loved it necessarily. Because of that, I wouldn't go home after class, excited about the new things I'd just learned, and start coding away on a new, awesome project. Instead, I would just go home, play video games, surf the web, and procrastinate on my homework until the last possible moment.

I somehow managed through my whole academic career in a similar fashion. And because of that, I never really acquired a drive to want to do more. I never took the time to take on exciting hobbies, or work on new projects, or even go out into the world and have some fun experiences. I just… went through life doing the exact same stuff. Day after day. Year after year.

I've never been much of a social person either, so my experiences in life are very limited. My oral communication is also not that good, so I've always struggled a bit in that regard. So uhh.. Yeah, quite a case we've got here, huh?

Basically, what I'm trying to get at is that if you came here to look for good advice on how to live a successful life, then I'm sorry to inform you that you've come to the wrong place (lulz). If anything, let this be a lesson of how not to go about living your life. Instead, do everything that I didn't do. Well, you know, the sensible kinds of things. I never robbed a bank, but that doesn't mean that you should, heh.

Try new experiences. Do the thing that you've been putting off on doing. Work on bringing your latest idea to life. Be more social, meet new people, make more friends. But above all else, have fun doing so :)

I've always taken things at my own pace, as slow as that has been. But it's long overdue for me to start taking my life into my own hands and finally get out of my comfort zone. And that's exactly why I'm here, right now, writing about all of this in a blog and starting what'll likely be a long and difficult journey into learning more about programming. So stick around if you'd like to see what shenanigans I get up to in the future.

And why am I telling you all of this about myself?

Well.. Because I'm hoping that perhaps I can inspire someone somewhere someday who might be in a similar situation as me, not to wait too long to get started on living their lives to their full potential. And because I'd like to show others, that if in some distant future, this potato of a person is able to accomplish something -- anything -- then you can too.


Time waits for no one

So what are YOU waiting for?